HighViews and Action Grids

HighViews Analytic Tools (3PL WMS)

Your 3PL operations function in real time. More importantly, your customers demand results in real time. So, if you collect live data, why bother with reports that become history the moment you generate them? HighViews and Action Grids deliver instant data, reports, and charts that take shape right before your eyes.

User-Friendly Workspace

With its innovative HighViews technology, ViewPoint Logistics allows you to organize, analyze, and direct activities from a workspace that keeps pace with your business. Action Grids and Charts deliver critical data in a form that you can immediately understand and easily interact with. Plus, they eliminate the need to print day-to-day listings and reports.

Operational Data at Your Finger Tips

  • Powerful analytic tools ... no SQL coding or programming expertise required
  • Renders the "big picture" but can drill down to specific details, locations, and tasks
  • Serves as the central launch point for running multiple activities in your operation
  • Refreshes automatically with instant updates, following each stage in your work cycle
  • Save different "views" of your data for instant access from the main menu


HighViews Analytic Tools (3PL WMS)

Take a screenshot tour of the VL workspace, action grids, business analytics, and more!

“MAVES’ HighView technology gave us a unique way to see, analyze and access our data, while providing greater operational visibility to our clients.”

-Kevin Davis, Logistics Services Manager, Hanover Terminal, Inc.